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Connect to BCMS CTS for Cattle Import and Movements (iOS users only)
Connect to BCMS CTS for Cattle Import and Movements (iOS users only)

Connect to the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS) Cattle Tracing System (CTS) to download and manage your cattle movements in iLivestock

Georgia Foster avatar
Written by Georgia Foster
Updated over 9 months ago

If you are a cattle farmer, you can connect your BCMS CTS account with iLivestock to download your herd list and then manage your movements, births and deaths via iLivestock. You can do this by adding in specific Farm Software Credentials supplied by BCMS.

(Important Note! This feature only works on iOS (Apple) devices)

How to request your your CTS User ID and Password

To connect you'll need to request your CTS Farm Software Credentials.

You can do this by calling BCMS and asking for your CTS Farm Software Credentials, explaining that you want to connect your CTS account with iLivestock

Alternatively you can download and complete the form below and email the completed form to [email protected]. Use โ€˜CTS Web service user ID and password requestโ€™ as the subject header of your email.

Once requested, BCMS usually respond within 10 working days and will send you 2 separate emails, one for your user ID and one for your password; the details look like this:

User ID: 123-456-789

Password: A1B2C34

If you already have a your Farm Software User Credentials, then there is no need to request new ones. These credentials will work to connect with any farm software systems such as iLivestock.

IMPORTANT NOTE!: CTS Farm Software Credentials are different from your usual CTS credentials which require a 10 digit password.

How to connect BCMS CTS to your iLivestock Account

Step 1: Select the 'Admin' on the bottom menu navigation bar and then select 'Reporting'

Step 2: From the Reporting menu, select 'CTS Operations'

Step 3: From the CTS Operations menu tap 'Get Cattle On Holding'

Step 4: Now you will be prompted to add your Farm Software Credentials

Please make sure you keep the hyphens in your User ID and also the upper case characters in the password for the connection to work.

Note!: Your user ID and password will look like this:

  • User ID: 123-456-789

  • Password: A1B2C34

Step 5: Your cattle will start to download and notification will pop up to tell you its downloading and another to confirm when complete. You'll see your downloaded herd list in the 'Permanent Cattle Group' - go to 'Groups' on the bottom navigation menu and then select 'Permanent' from the group view at the top of the screen.

Step 6: Tap the chevron on the 'Permanent Cattle' card to open up the full 'Cattle List'

Step 7: You can then tap the chevron on each cattle card to open up the 'Animal Summary' page. Here you can see more details on the animal including 'Events' which will show the 'Get Cattle On Holding' event for this animal.

Step 8: To see or edit more animal details tap the 'Cow Head' action button and then select 'Animal details'

Step 9: Once on the animal details page you can add in any additional data.

Step 10: Note as you scroll down the animal details page, your animal will be set to CTS Uploaded = YES. This means you have your CTS connection added and this animal is already sitting within your CTS account and no movements are required - see Movements, Births and Deaths below, for information on this.

Step 11: Once you've added all the additional info you need, press 'Save' at the top left of the screen

Manage Your Cattle Movements with BCMS CTS Connected

Once you have added in your CTS credentials connected to CTS and downloaded your cattle, you can then start to manage your movements via your iLivestock account on the mobile app.

How to Manage 'ON Movements'

You can add new cattle to your account in the following ways:

Add Cattle Manually 1 by 1

Upload a CSV Spreadsheet

Once new cattle have been added to your account and you are connected to CTS, the following steps should be taken.

Step 1: Movements that have not been sent to BCMS CTS will have an orange surround against new animals moved on to your account.

Step 2: Open each animal summary and then tap the action button to open the 'Animal Details Page' and check for any data fields that show orange. These need to be completed to avoid any movement errors occurring when you send to BCMS.

Step 3: The CTS Uploaded section, should always be set to 'No' before you send to BCMS.

Step 4: Once the animal details have been double checked, make sure you are viewing the animals in the 'Permanent Cattle Group' and select the animals you want to create the movement for, by tapping each one to highlight it green.

Step 5: Once the relevant animals have been highlighted, tap the action button and select 'More Actions' to pull up the 'Group Actions' menu

Step 6: From the group actions menu select 'Movement'

Step 7: Next you will be presented with options for the type of movement you want to complete.

  • Sale = This will mark the animal as SOLD and put it in the archive view of your Permanent Groups

  • Movement = This is for an 'ON' or 'OFF' movement coming in from or going to a location outside of your business. If creating an OFF movement this animal will still be visible in your LIVE animal view unless you take the second step of archiving it.

  • Movement Internal = A movement to move an animal from one of your holdings to another one of your holdings

Step 8: Next you will be asked if the movement is based in England, Scotland or Wales. If using BCMS services you'll need to select England or Wales

(Note!: We expect to be connected to SCOTEID by Autumn 2024)

Step 9: This will then generate a 'Movement Form' for you to complete.

In the top box select the destination that the animal is being moved 'ON' from. To do this, the holding first needs to be created in the Manage Holdings section, within Admin on the app.

Use the picker wheel to scroll and select the relevant holding info to add to the form.

Step 10: Next add in the move 'Date' click into the field for the picker wheel to appear and select the relevant move date.

Step 11: Now you need to add in the holding the animals are moving to. Again tap into the field for the picker wheel to appear and you can select your holding the animal/s are moving to.

Step 12: Now add in your Permit Number, Person Responsible for the Movement and any Internal References you might want.

  • For the Haulier, you can allow iLivestock to take these details from your 'Phone Contacts' or type in free hand.

  • For the Vehicles, you can add your vehicle details in the admin section of the app under 'Vehicles' or type in free hand

  • For the Haulier, you can allow iLivestock to take these details from your 'Phone Contacts' or type in free hand.

Step 13: Once all the info has been added, ensure the BCMS Notified? section is highlighted as NO and add any comments on the movements deemed necessary and tap save in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Step 14: Now go to 'Admin' on the bottom navigation menu and select 'Reporting'

Step 15: from the Databases options select 'CTS Operations'

Step 16: From the CTS Operations Menu select 'Register Movements'

Step 17: This will generate your CTS Login page where your CTS credentials should be stored. If you have logged out of the app and back in again, these may need t be re-added. Now select 'Register Moves Now'

Step 18: The app will now confirm its uploading the movements to CTS

Step 19: If the movement has been processed successfully, you'll get a CTS Confirmation screen pop up to confirm how many animals haave been processed in the transaction.

Step 20: Each animal will display a Validated CTS (MR) receipt in GREEN to confirm the movement too.

Step 21: Each animal will also show as CTS Uploaded = YES in their Animal details page

Your Movement has now been processed and once synced the movement data will be stored and shared in the cloud and ready to view in your Movement Book on the iLivestock Dashboard ๐Ÿ‘ˆ Click the link to be taken to the login page and use your same User email and Password on the mobile app to log in ๐Ÿ‘

Trouble Shooting BCMS CTS Movements

On occasion you may find that you have an issue with a movement, this can be displayed after the processing the upload step.

You may get a notification as shown below

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