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Breeding for Cattle

Everything you need to know about logging your calf breeding information in iLivestock

Gabbi Duval avatar
Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated over a week ago

Logging your breeding data in iLivestock is straight forward, you can do this as a group to save time and /or as individuals for that extra detail. First of all make sure you have all your cattle added to your account, including any on-farm sires.

Next its best to add your breeding cows or heifers into a single or several breeding groups, so you can update as a group or as individuals as you go along.

Creating a Breeding Record

Each year a new breeding record should be created against your breeding cows and heifers, to track progress from the sire going in and up to logging calf births, then completing the breeding cycle and generating a yearly breeding report.

Step 1: Once you have your females in a group you can then start the Breeding record for the group.

To do this, find and open the group and then tap the 'Action' button at the bottom right of the screen (blue circle with arrow icons) to bring up the group actions.

Step 2: From the Group Actions list tap 'Breeding' to open the Breeding actions.

Step 3: From the Breeding actions, select 'Set Sire or AI' this will bring up a new page for you to select a sire and add the date the sire went in.

Step 4: If your sire is on your farm and included in your herd list, tap the 'From iLivestock' option to generate a list of active sires for you to select from

Step 5: From the list either search for a sire passport number (last 4-6 digits) or scroll down the list to find and select the relevant sire.

(Note!: You CAN add off farm sires from this view - only animals that have been moved off as a 'Sale', 'Death' or specifically 'archived' can not be selected)

Step 6: Once the sire is selected it will be confirmed by being added to the screen

Step 7: Now add in the date the sire went in with the female group to the 'Male In' field using the date picker wheel that will appear.

Step 8: An automatic 'Due from this date' will be generated and you can tap 'Save' in the top right hand corner. The Breeding record for this group has now been created.

Step 9: You will now be back in the group view and the next step will be to add the date the sire went out. When you are ready to add this info, tap the action button (bottom right) and then select 'Breeding' from the actions menu

Step 10: From the 'Breeding' menu select 'Set Male Out Date'

Step 11: This will then generate a new page for you to add the date using date picker wheel and then tap 'Set Male Out Date' to save.

Step 12: From your group of breeding females - if you tap the chevron on any of them to open their Animal Summary page, you will now see they have a breeding record created under the Breeding heading and the 'Sire IN and Out dates' are showing on the record.

Adding Ultra Sound Scan Results

Now you have started a breeding cycle you can log your Ultra Sound Scan results as a group and individually.

Step 13: You'll note once the 'Sire In' and 'Sire Out' dates have been added the group icons will change to the 'Inseminated' icon as shown in picture 13.

Now we can add the scan results for the group. At this point, if we know most of the group only have scanned positive for 1 calf, you can tap and select all the animals in the group and de-select the ones you know have twins or triplets and come back to them in the next step.

Note!: To select, simply tap the animal and the animal card will turn green - tap again to de-select.

Step 14: With the relevant females only expecting 1 calf selected (their card is green) next tap the Action button > from the actions menu select > Breeding and then from the breeding menu select > 'Set Scan Result'

Step 15: Now on the 'Scan Result' page select the number 1 (or relevant number for the majority of the herd) and then tap 'Save' in the top right hand corner of the screen.

You have now added the ultra scan result of 1 to the majority of the group.

Step 16: Once you have added the group scan results, the animal card icon will then update again to the 'Heart' icon to show the animal is pregnant. You can now de-select the animals in the group by tapping them and the green surround will go.

Adding Scan Results Individually

If some cattle have scan results for 2 or more calves, you may just want to update their records individually.

Step 17: To update the animals that have twins or triplets - you can either repeat the steps 13, 14 and 15 if you have more than a a few animals with twins or triplets or you can update scan results individually.

To update individually tap the chevron on the animal card, and then this will open the 'Animal Summary' page.

Step 18: You'll see the summary page is broken into headings, under 'Breeding' tap the pink band which is the 'Breeding Record'.

Step: 19: Now the Breeding Record is open, scroll down the page to 'Ultrasound Scan Result' where you can tap the relevant scan result number to update the scan info

You can also add a predicted birthing date at this point - tap into the 'Birth Date' for the calendar picker wheel to appear to select from. Lastly press save in the top right hand corner

Step 20: Once saved this will take you back to the animal summary page where you'll see your breeding summary has updated accordingly.

Step 21: Go back to your group view to see all your animals are now updated with the 'Heart' icon and if you tap 'Visual' in the group view at the top of the page, it will re-order animals via their passport number (Visual ID)

Adding Calf Births / Offspring

Now you've added your sire details and scan results, its time to log the calf births.

Step 1. To log a calf birth, search for the DAM (using last 4-6 passport numbers).

Tap the chevron on the DAM card to open the DAM summary page and then tap the 'Breeding record' (pink band under breeding - see step 20 above) to open the breeding record - (If you haven't yet created a breeding record - see the top of this guide for how to create a Breeding Record)

Next scroll down the page to find the 'Offspring' section and then tap the blue text that says 'Tap here or EID scan tag to add'

Step 2: This will then bring up the 'Add Offspring' options:

Step 3: 'Add existing iLivestock animal' - this will bring up a list of calf aged cattle from your herd for you to add to the DAM Breeding record - use this option if you've already created a list of calves and you want to attach to the relevant DAM.

Step 4: 'Add new animal' - this option will generate the 'Add Cattle' form for you to enter the details of the new calf and save.

Step 5: Add the calf passport number in the 'Official Animal ID field) - you'll know this from your herd sequence number. Enter the DOB from the calendar picker wheel in the Date of Birth field. You can also add and scan an EID tag at this stage if you want to - just have your stick reader connected and scan the new tag for it to be added in the EID field.

Step 6: Select the calf gender, add a birth weight if you have one and then tap 'Record' at the bottom of the page to save the calf details.

Adding Additional Calving Information

Step 7: Once you've saved the calf details it will take you back to the Breeding record where you can tap the 'Add more information' button to add more calving detail.

Step 8: Complete the birthing difficulty, milk info and any related notes and then tap 'Confirm' in the top right hand corner to save the information.

Deleting a Breeding Record:

Step 1: Find the animal that is linked to the breeding record you need to delete

Step 2: Open the animal's summary by pressing the chevron on the animal card

Step 3: Scroll down to 'Breeding' pink band

Step 4: Swipe the pink band left to reveal the 'Delete' button

Step 5: Press 'Delete'

Note! Deleting a breeding record is permanent and cannot be undone.

Registering Calf Births with BCMS CTS

Once you have logged a birth you can then register the births via BCMS CTS if you have connected your iLivestock account to your CTS account.

Step 1: When you are connected to CTS and have added cattle of calf age, these calves will show with a YELLOW SURROUND (as shown in grab 1 above) - this means they are ready to register with CTS.

Once the registration process is complete the yellow surround will then be removed.

Step 2: Once you have double checked your calf details are all correct, you can then send the registrations to BCMS CTS for processing.

To do this, go to Admin on the bottom menu and once on the Admin page, tap the 'Reporting' icon, on the right hand side of the screen.

Step 3: You will then be taken to the database menu - from the options shown select 'CTS Operations'

Step 4: Now select 'Register Births'

Step 5: This will then take you to CTS login page, will should have your already inputted CTS user ID and password populated.

(NOTE!: This may not have stored if you have logged out of the app since adding. If not populated you'll need to add these back in to continue with the registration.)

Next, tap the 'Register Births Now' option

Step 6: The system will then start to send the registrations to CTS

Step 7: A confirmation message will then pop up on the screen, this will have a row per animal registered.

Step 8: When you go back to your cattle list the YELLOW SURROUND would have now been removed.

Step 9: Just do a quick check on the Animal Summary page of each calf, to make sure each has a GREEN CTS (Birth) Validated Receipt at the very bottom of the summary page - as shown in grab 9 above.

(Note!: If the receipt is not green and does not say 'Validated', the registration process is not complete for this calf)

For more information on Cattle Birth & Death Registrations and Movements via BCMS CTS - please see our Cattle Births, Deaths and Movement Registrations Guide.

Closing the Breeding Cycle Record

Once your calf births are complete and all your calving data has been recorded correctly, you can close your breeding record for the year.

Step 1: Find and open the breeding group

Step 2: Tap the action button, to open the group actions

Step 3: From the Breeding options tap 'Close Breeding Cycle'

(Note!: You'll need to close your existing breeding cycle before you can open a new one. Please take extra care to ensure you have logged everything you need. Once a Breeding Record is closed it can not be opened again for adding or amending data)

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