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ScotEID ScotMoves Regulatory Compliance - iOS Apple devices only
ScotEID ScotMoves Regulatory Compliance - iOS Apple devices only

Connect your iLivestock account with ScotEID ScotMoves and manage your regulatory animal movements via the app

Gabbi Duval avatar
Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated this week

Import and compare cattle data and manage your Births, Deaths, On / Off and within-business moves via iLivestock by connecting with ScotEID ScotMoves.

Note: Regulatory movements, births and deaths are a 2-step process;

Step 1: Log the movement, birth or death in the app - see guidance on how to log cattle movements, births and deaths here: Log Cattle On and Off Movements , Log Cattle Births , Log Cattle Deaths

Step 2: Register the movement, birth or death to ScotEID for regulatory compliance.

How to connect your iLivestock Account with ScotEID

IMPORTANT: Before connecting your iLivestock account with ScotEID, please make sure your primary holding is added correctly in the HOLDINGS section of your iLivestock account.

If your primary holding is not added or is added incorrectly, the connection will fail, and you'll get an error notification. See our guide on How to add Holdings

Step 1. Go to Admin on the lower navigation menu and tap the National Databases option

Step 2. Next, tap ScotEID (cattle) option

Step 3. You will now be taken to the ScotEID login screen and prompted to add in your ScotEID Username and Password.

Step 4. Add in your ScotEID Username. (Note: This is the same username that you use to log in to your ScotEID account).

Step 5. Next, add your ScotEID password - (Note: This is the same password you use to log in to your ScotEID account).

Next, tap the Login button, which will then connect your iLivestock account to ScotEID, and you'll see the page is then locked.

Step 6. Navigate Back to the main ScotEID (Cattle) page, by tapping back in the top left-hand corner.

Next, select Holdings under Settings

Step 7. This will take you to a new screen where you'll see a Missing and a Match selection at the top of the screen.

Under Missing, you'll see any Holdings that you own, that are registered with ScotEID, but are NOT added to your iLivestock account.

Under Match, you'll see any Holdings that you own, that are registered with ScotEID and ARE already added to your iLivestock account

To add a Missing holding, tap the plus button on the holding card

Step 8. A new screen will appear for you to complete the details of your holding - Add your holding name, CPH number, and Address and then tap Save.

Step 9. You will now see the holding move from Missing to Matched.

Continue to add any missing holdings as necessary.

Step 10. Note; if you already have a holding under Match, this will automatically be connected already.

Get Cattle

Once your iLivestock account is connected you can import your herd list with all their information from ScotEID.

How to Get Cattle:

Step 1. From the ScotED home page settings menu, select Get Cattle

Step 2. The next screen will show a list of cattle currently on your ScotEID account holding/s

Step 3. You can scroll up and down the list to view them all.

Step 4. If you are happy with the list, tap the Selector option at the top right of the screen to start Selection mode

Step 5. You'll then see that the list has a selection option against each animal on the left-hand side of its animal card.

Step 6. You can now select the Select All option, at the top right of the screen, to highlight all the available cattle. Alternatively, choose individual cattle from the list or Select All and then de-select certain animals. When you are happy with your selection, tap Add at the bottom left of the screen.

Step 7. A confirmation pop-up will now show, if you are happy with the selection tap Confirm.

Step 8. The system will now begin to import your herd list from ScotEID

Step 9. You may be left with some animals that state they are missing information.

Tap the animal/s to open the animal information.

Step 10. The information screen will highlight the missing information for the animal, this will always relate to holdings, when in Get Cattle mode.

This animal is on a CPH holding that has not yet been added to iLivestock. It also shows that the animal birth CPH is not added to iLivestock (we'll return to that section in a moment).

To add the missing holding that this animal is on, tap the Plus Button next to the Current CPH shown in red.

Step 11. This will take you to the Holdings screen, where you will see a list of holdings currently on ScotEID but not added to iLivestock. Tap the holding that the animal is related to, to begin adding this holding to iLivestock.

Step 12. Complete the holding information for the name and address.

Step 13. When all the information for the holding is added, tap Save at the bottom of the screen.

Step 14. You may find that these animal/s have a further warning on their animal cards. Tap the animal card to view data updates that may be required.

Step 15. The animal information shows that the birth CPH for this animal is present on ScotEID but is not recorded on iLivestock. The birth CPH will have to be added as a third-party holding on iLivestock, to be stored against the animal on iLivestock.

Tap the plus button next to the birth holding to add the holding as a third-party holding


Ignore this and tap Add on the lower left of the screen, to add the animal regardless of this information missing.

Note: Birth CPH is not a mandatory piece of information for animals already registered with ScotEID. If you purchase animals regularly, you may wish NOT TO add a list of purchase third-party holdings to your iLivestock account

Step 16. If you tap the plus button next to the Birth CPH you'll be taken to the Holdings screen to add the Third Party Holding information of the Birth CPH.

Step 17. Complete the CPH name and address.

Step 18. Scroll to the bottom and tap Save to save the information.

Step 19. This will take you back to the Get Cattle animal screen, displaying no further information is missing. You can now tap Add to add the animal to iLivestock.

Step 20. The Add Animal confirmation pop-up will appear, tap Confirm to add the animal.

Step 21. A short confirmation banner will then appear at the bottom of the screen to confirm this action has been completed.

Repeat the same steps with any similar animals with missing information that you want to add.

Compare Animal Data

When you already have animals in your iLivestock account, you can compare your iLivestock animal data with the information stored on your ScotEID account and then update your iLivestock account accordingly - ScotEID will always be your source of truth.

How to Compare Animal Data

Step 1. From the ScotEID homepage select Compare Animal Data from the Settings Menu

Step 2. The next screen will show a list of cattle with Incomplete Information. You can then tap the Selector option at the top right of the screen, to start the Selection mode.

Step 3. Tap Select All in the top left of the screen to select all of the animals from the list.

You can also deselect any that you do not want to update

Step 4. Once selected, tap Accept Changes on the bottom left of the screen.

Step 5. A confirmation pop-up will then appear and you can tap Confirm to accept the changes.

Step 6. You may now be left with some animals that have a data conflict.

Step 7. Tap the animal card to view the data conflict details

Step 8. In this view, the animal is on a different holding on iLivestock compared to ScotEID.

To update the animal on iLivestock, tap Accept All on the lower left of the screen

Step 9. A confirmation pop-up will appear and you can tap Confirm to accept the changes.

Repeat these steps for any more animals that show a data conflict to complete your Compare Animal Data process.

How to Register a Birth

Step 1. Ensure the new calf has its Place of Birth data completed so it will automatically be logged as a New Birth for you to then complete the registration for.

This information should be entered when creating the birth, but to double-check this, find and open the calf to the Animal Summary page.

Next, tap the Action button at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 2. From the options shown, select Animal Details

Step 3. Find the Place of Birth data field and make sure this has the relevant holding info added. If you need to add or change this, tap the field, and a picker wheel of your holdings will appear to select from

Step 4. Now go to the ScotEID (Cattle) registration screen. This is found by going to Admin > National Databases > ScotEID

You'll see your number of Births ready to be registered will be populated in the Births section under events.

Step 5. Tap the Births section to see a list of the cattle births waiting to be registered

Next, tap the birth card to open it.

Step 6. If you are happy all the information on the screen is correct, tap the Register Birth button at the bottom right of the screen.

(Note: If you have already registered this birth directly with ScotEID, you can select the Already Registered option. This will then update the animal accordingly and remove it from the birth section)

Step 7. A confirmation screen will now appear; if you are happy to move forward, tap Confirm

Step 8. A Registration Successful banner will appear at the bottom of the screen, confirming the registration has been processed.

Step 9. Now go back to the main ScotEID registration page by tapping Back at the top left of the screen, and you'll see the Births section has now been updated to show no pending birth registrations.

Your successful birth registration will now be sitting in the Successful section

Next, tap the Successful section to open it

Step 10. Your birth registration will show as a Male or Female Calf icon and will show the birth registration date and an Accepted icon in green

Step 11. If you tap the successful animal card, the following screen will show you further approval information.

From here, you can also tap the animal card to be taken to the animal summary screen.

Step 12. Scroll to the bottom of the summary page to see a Green validated birth receipt

Failed Birth Registrations

Step 7. If you register a birth and get an error, this will show on the Birth card and it will not be processed.

Step 8. Note: You'll know there is an issue when you hit the Register Birth button, this will show a Registration failed banner as shown in screen grab 8 above.

Step 9. Scroll to the bottom of the animal registration page to see the failure reason. A common issue with birth registrations is that a Dam that has already birthed can sometimes be selected in error.

Step 10. You will also note a Rejected receipt for ScotEID at the bottom of the animal summary page.

Step 11. Tap the receipt and this will give you more information on why the registration has been rejected.

Amending Birth Data to Register Again

Step 1. Find the calf and open to the animal summary page.

Next, tap the Action button at the bottom right of the screen

Step 2. From the menu option select Animal Details

Step 3. On this page you can amend the calf details to fix the errors mentioned in the failed registration. Select the Dam field to be taken to a picker wheel of your Dams to choose from.

Or amend the Calf passport number as necessary.

Note: See a list of errors and what they mean at the end of this guide.

How to Register a Death

Step 1. Log your death on the app as usual and then come to the ScotEID registration page to see this in the Deaths section.

Step 2. Tap the deaths section to be shown a list of deaths waiting to be registered

Step 3. Tap the animal death card to open it and if you are happy with the details, go ahead and tap the Register Death button found at the bottom right-hand of the screen.

Step 4. Next, a Confirmation screen will appear, if you are happy to move forward, tap Confirm

Step 5. A Registration successful banner will appear confirming the registration has been processed.

Step 6. Go back to the main registration page to see the death has now moved from the pending death registration section and into the successful section.

Step 7. Open the Successful section to see the Death animal card show with an X icon, with a green Accepted pill. Tap the death card again to see further approval information.

How to Register an ON Movement

Step 1. Log a single or a group On movement as usual and then go to the ScotEID registration page Admin> National Databases > ScotEID to see the movement in the Movements section on the screen.

Step 2. Tap the movement section to see pending movement registrations.

Next, tap the relevant Moved On card to open it.

Step 3. Check the details of the movement look correct and if you are happy, then tap the Register button at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 4. Next, a confirmation screen will appear, if you are happy to move forward, tap the Confirm option.

Step 5. A Registration successful banner will then appear, confirming your registration has been processed.

Step 6. Go back to the main ScotEID registration page, using the back option at the top left of the screen, to see the Movement has now gone from the Movements section and has moved to the Successful section.

Step 7. Tap the Successful section to see your registered On movement in the list of successful registrations.

Step 8. Search and open the animal or animals that you have moved On, to the summary page and scroll down to the bottom of the screen to see the green Validated movement receipt

How to Register an OFF Movement

Step 1. Log a single or a group Off movement as usual and then go to the ScotEID registration page Admin> National Databases > ScotEID to see the movement in the Movements section on the screen.

Step 2.Tap the movement section to see pending movement registrations.

Next, tap the relevant Moved Off card to open it.

Step 3. Check the details of the movement look correct and if you are happy, then tap the Register button at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 4. Next, a confirmation screen will appear, if you are happy to move forward, tap the Confirm option.

Step 5. A Registration Successful banner will then appear, confirming your registration has been processed.

Step 6. Go back to the main ScotEID registration page, using the back option at the top left of the screen, to see the Movement has now gone from the Movements section and has moved to the Successful section.

Step 7. Tap the Successful section to see your registered Off movement in the list of successful registrations.

Step 8. Tap and open the Off Movement registration card to see the registration details. Under the Registration Information section, tap the small chevron next to Animals to bring up a screen with a list of the animals in the movement.

Step 9. Tap any of the animals in the list to view individual animal Registration Information.

Step 10. For Off Movements, if the animal has been marked as sold, the animal card will show a £$/Euro icon - which indicates it has been sold.

Step 11. Search and open the animal or animals that you have moved Off, to the summary page and scroll down to the bottom of the screen to see the green Validated movement receipt

Registration Icons

Understand the different icons used to separate registration types, so they are familiar.

Male Calf Birth

Female Calf Birth

Error Codes for Failed Registrations

You may find that your registration of Movements, Births and Deaths to ScotEID may occasionally fail due to incorrect information logged on the movement.

Below is a list of error codes that will help you troubleshoot the problem and amend the data on the animal or the movement, to then register again successfully.



Cause Severity


Cause Description

Register Birth




Invalid Ear Tag. Format must be: AANNNNNNNNNNNN

Register Birth




Ear Tag has been used

Register Birth




Invalid Breed Code

Register Birth




Invalid Breed Code

Register Birth

Date of Birth



Birth Date cannot be in the future

Register Birth

Genetic Dam Eartag



Invalid Genetic Dam Ear Tag

Register Birth

Genetic Dam Eartag



Genetic Dam & Animal Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Surrogate Dam Eartag



Invalid Surrogate Dam Ear Tag

Register Birth

Surrogate Dam Eartag



Surrogate Dam Ear Tag not issued

Register Birth

Surrogate Dam Eartag



Surrogate Dam & Animal Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Surrogate Dam Eartag



Surrogate & Genetic Dam Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Surrogate Dam Eartag



Invalid Sire Ear Tag

Register Birth

Sire Eartag



Sire Ear Tag not issued

Register Birth

Sire Eartag



Sire & Animal Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Sire Eartag



Sire & Genetic Dam Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Sire Eartag



Sire & Surrogate Dam Ear Tags match

Register Birth

Postal location



Invalid Postal Location

Register Birth

Postal location



Check Postal location

Register Birth

Postal location



Check Postal location

Register Birth

Postal location



Check Postal location

Register Birth

Postal location



Check Postal location

Register Birth

Postal location



Check Postal location

Register Birth

Birth location



Invalid Birth Location

Register Birth

Birth location



Check Birth location

Register Birth

Birth location



Check Birth location

Register Birth

Birth location



Location not allowed movements

Register Birth

Birth location



Check Birth location

Register Birth

Birth location



Check Birth location

Register Birth




Ear Tag not issued

Register Birth




Ear Tag has only been single ordered

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam Ear Tag unavailable

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam Ear Tag not found

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam Ear Tag not issued

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam & Animal Ear Tag may be same

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam & Gen Dam Ear Tag may be same

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam is not registered

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Invalid Birth Dam Ear Tag

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Birth Dam not registered

Register Birth




Ear Tag has already been used

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Dam's sex is invalid

Register Birth

Sire Eartag



Sire's sex is invalid

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Dam is dead on birth date

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Dam was not on location at birth date

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Dam has already given birth

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Multiple calvings have occurred

Register Birth

Birth Dam Eartag



Dam is too old or too young

Register Birth

Birth Date



Application is late

Register Birth




Duplicate Ear tag in file

Register Birth

Genetic Dam Eartag



Check Genetic Dam Ear Tag

Register Birth

Parent Eartag



Ear Tag not allowed to be a parent

Register Birth

Parent Eartag



Multiple calvings have occurred

Register Birth




Birth Dam Registered Incomplete

Register Movement




Animal Birth record not found

Register Movement




Animal Birth record cancelled

Register Movement




Ear Tag Not Found

Register Movement




Invalid Ear Tag Format

Register Movement




Location Unsuitable for Movements

Register Movement




Invalid Location

Register Movement




Missing Sub-Location

Register Movement




Location not found

Register Movement




Location Inactive on Movement Date

Register Movement




Cancelled Location

Register Movement




Sublocation not found

Register Movement




Sublocation Inactive on Movement Date

Register Movement




Cancelled Sublocation

Register Movement

Movement date



Movement Date cannot be in the future

Register Movement




Duplicate movement in file

Register Movement




Animal has a movement


Register Movement




Animal Already Dead

Online: Use the chat icon in Admin on the app or bottom right on the web dashboard

Call: 01383 324358

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