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eWeighBar HD

How to set up your eWeighBar HD out of the box

Gabbi Duval avatar
Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated over a month ago

This guide will take you through the installation and use of your eWeighBar HD load bars. The eWeighBars HD have been designed for heavy duty use and permanent installation under cattle crates, crushes or chutes.

What's in the box?

You'll receive 2 eWeighBar HD in the box. Each bar comes with a a cable at one end to be plugged into your weigh head indicator. Note the eWeighBar cables come wrapped in a protective wire to prevent damage throughout use.

Weighing System

The iLivestock weighing system consists of the eWeigh Weigh Scale Indicator and two load bars. The load bars are fitted beneath a platform or crate and transmit the weight signal to the indicator. The eBar HD bars can be used with any compatible weigh head.

Getting Around Your eWeighBar HD

Note: The load bar foot plates have been locked in position for transportation and installation, and must be released before weighing (see installing load bars)

Installing Load Bars

Step 1. Lift the crate / crush so that the load bars can be positioned underneath. Align the holes of the crate / crush and load bar mounting plates and fix with 12mm bolts at each load bar end.

Caution: Dropping the crate with load bars fitted, or dropping the the crate onto the load bars can damage the load bars.

Step 2. Lower the crate/load bar assembly onto the concrete slab, ensuring that the load bar footplates are not twisted or binding in any way.

Step 3. Fix each foot plate to the slab with a minimum of two 12 mm (1/2") masoary anchors e.g DynaboltTM)

Install the masonry anchors one at a time, using the clamping action of each anchor to restrain the foot plate for subsequent drilling. Take care to ensure that the anchors don't force the foot plates sideways and cause misalignment of the ball and cup loading system

Step 4. Once fixed to the slab you must 'unlock' the bars from the foot plates. To do this:

a) Loosen the locknut that locks the load bar stop bolt to the foot plate. Unscrew the bolt, plastic sleeve and washer from the foot plate and lift them out completely.

b) Remove the plastic sleeve fitted over each load bar stop bolt.

NEVER remove the rubber tube in the centre of the load bar. This contains the load centring cup assembly.

c) Reassemble the load bar stop bolt, washer, and locknut in the reverse order to the above disassembly.

d) Tighten the load bar stop bolt until there is a clearance of 1.0 to 2.0 mm (0.040 to 0.080") between the underside of the head of the load bar stop bolt and the washer. Tighten the locknut down to the foot plate to lock in place.

Step 5. Unlock the other feet of the load bar system as described as above.

Make sure that you have removed all eight plastic sleeves


Once installed, you should test the eBar HDs with a weigh scale indicator.

See steps for testing below:

Step 1. Connect the load bars cables to a compatible indicator

Step 2: Turn 'ON' and zero the indicator

Step 3. Put a test weight ( which needs to be more the 50kg - this could be a yourself or another person) at one end of the platform/crate and note the stable reading on the indicator.

Step 4. Put the test weight at the other end of the platform/crate and note the stable reading on the indicator.

Step 5. Remove the test weight and note whether the reading returns to zero.

Step 6. If the two readings differ by mlore than 1kg OR the reading DOES NOT return to zero, see the troubleshooting section.

Periodically repeat the above tests during use and also before first use if the equipment has not been used for some time.


See common troubleshooting tips below:



Reading does not return to zero between animals


Difference in readings at each end of platform


Under readings (readings lighter than expected)

  • Ensure that the platform/crate is not touching objects that may alter the weights. Typical causes are binding against fixed metal works or build up of dirt.

  • Check that the load bar feet are sitting evenly on the ground

  • Check that bolt holes are not misaligned, as this may put residual load on the bars

Reading is unstable

  • Moisture in the load bar connectors. Remove moisture from plugs and caps using methylated spirts, as they may react with plastic

  • Damaged cable. Return the load cell for servicing

  • Moisture in load cells. Return load cells for servicing

Reading moves, display shows under load or overload.

  • Damaged cable return for service

Further Information

Caring for the load bars

  • Ensure that the underside of the platform or crate and gap between the load bar housing and foot is kept free of dirt and stones.

  • Do not leave the indicator, load bars or plugs immersed in water

  • Cables should be placed so that they will not be damaged. We recommend routing the cables through plastic pipe or other conduit to help prevent damage. The metal coil around the cables should prevent chewing.

  • When not in use, always replace the dust caps on the load bar plugs. When the load bars are connected to indicator screw the dust caps together to prevent water entering them.

  • Remove dust and moisture from the plugs and caps using methylated spirits, ethyl alcohol, or a suitable electrical contact cleaner. Stronger spirits must not be used, as they may react with the plastic.

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