Weighing With eWeigh

Got your eWeigh set up and ready to weigh some animals? Here is a simple guide on weighing with eWeigh.

Anne Wellenberg avatar
Written by Anne Wellenberg
Updated over a week ago


When you have your eWeigh connected and set up and hit 'go Weigh', you will open the weighing screen below.

The top bar being pink indicates an eWeigh is connected (if this bar is green an eWeigh and stick reader are connected).

Informative display while weighing:

  • EID number - Displays EID of scanned/search animal (you can manually search for a tag using the search bar at the top and selecting the animal, or scan a tag with connected reader when weight has locked in).

  • Visual number - Visual number of animal.

  • Last weight & daily gain - Last weight from previous weigh session compared to this one.

  • Graph view - for gain and loss patterns (double tap on 'Last' and 'Gain' section).

Never Lock - Beneficial if you just want a rough estimated weight and not record on the app. Select 'Never Lock' and load the animal in to the platform.

Zero Scales - Will reset the scale and eWeigh back to 0kg.

iLivestock floating action button - Here you can add a new animal before weighing an animal. Or when you have scanned/searched a tag when the weight locks you can use this to view animal details.

Weight locking in:

Notice the top bar is now green as a Stick Reader and eWeigh is connected.

  • Once the weight is locked in it will go a dark green with 'kg' appearing and a tone will play. You can then scan the tag, or use the search bar at the top to identify the animal.

  • 'Record' will save the the weight against that animal and will display as the most recent recorded metric.

  • If you have a stick reader connected you can turn on 'Auto Record', which will automatically record the weight when you scan the animal.

  • Reweigh button will flash if the locked in weight changes +/- 20%. If you think the weight has locked too early, or you just want to give yourself that extra reassurance that the weight is correct, hit the Reweigh button!

  • iLivestock floating action button, here you can open the Animal Summary and perform the actions you normally can from the Animal Summary.

Auto Group:

  • When you are done weighing, click 'Finish' on the top left of the screen to finish the weighing session.

  • The weights will now all be recorded to the animals weighed in the session and can be seen in their 'Animal summary'.

  • An 'Auto' group is also made of all the animals in the weighing session. You can find this by going into 'Groups' on the bottom navigation bar, then click 'Auto' on the top right, and there will be a group named by the date and time the session started.

  • You can go into this group and perform group actions. You can also copy the group, by tapping on the group to highlight it, then click the 'Action Button' , then 'Copy Group', then name it. This new group will appear with the rest of your groups.

Turn off your eWeigh by holding in the on/off button for about 3 seconds.

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