Start of Course:
This selection is best chosen if you will be medicating an animal more than once in a set time, or adding any extra doses.
When an animal is medicated with the course option, the animal won't come out of the withdrawal view until the course has been set as 'FINISHED' by the user.
Once the animal's course has been set as 'FINISHED' by the user, the withdrawal date will be re-calculated from the finishing date entered, where it will add a final withdrawal period starting from the course finished date.
Organic selection:
An animal is marked as 'Organic' in animal details, where withdrawal periods are doubled
One Shot Treatment:
This selection is best chosen if you intend on only medicating this animal in one instance.
When an animal is medicated with 'one shot treatment', the withdrawal date will conclude on the date calculated by the amount of days that is set for withdrawal within that particular medicine details.
Note: The app has several ways of displaying that an animal is in withdrawal:
Tip: If you want to get reminders of your animals coming out of withdrawal, make sure your phone has accepted permissions for iLivestock to access your calendar!