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Permanent Groups, Auto Groups and Management Groups: use groups to manage and compare your animals

Gabbi Duval avatar
Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated today

Groups are a great way to organise and bulk manage your animals. From processing movements to administering medicines, get your groups created to save time and track progress from season to season and year to year. A single animal can be in multiple groups at once, making it easy to divide your animals into the necessary categories.

Permanent Groups

Permanent Groups will always be there and are non-deletable. These will contain your Permanent Sheep (any sheep uploaded into your account). Your Permanent Cattle (any cattle uploaded into your account). The Permanent Archive group is where your animals will be moved to when moved off as a SALE or registered dead. You can also directly archive animals if you no longer want to see their data in your On-Farm view. Animals moved to the archive can also be unarchived at any time.

Auto Groups

Auto Groups are created automatically by specific actions taken in the app. When you upload cattle or sheep via a .CSV, this group will be stored in auto groups. If you subsequently delete animals that were part of the group, the group will also diminish. Auto groups are also created when you run a scanning session with your stick reader connected to the app. When you run a weighing session with eWeigh connected and complete a Lost Tag feature, these groups will also be stored in auto groups.

See below for a list of actions that will generate an Auto Group.

  • Weighing with eWeigh

  • Weighing with a third-party weigh head (Tru-Test EziWeigh 7i or S3 and Gallagher W0)

  • Adding a sequence of sheep tags

  • Using the Quick Record pregnancy scanning feature (iOS Apple devices only) creates groups of expecting ewes.

  • Uploading a CSV file into iLivestock (iOS Apple devices only)

  • Using the inventory feature on a group (iOS Apple devices only)

Sheep and Cattle Groups Management Groups

This is where any sheep or cattle groups you have created will be found in separate views. The list of groups will run alphabetically, with numeric group names at the top.

These are your primary management groups that can be created, edited and deleted as you need. Select animals and add them to existing or new groups. Use the filters to create groups based on multiple factors, such as age, breed, gender, medications, breeding cycles and more.

Add multiple animals to multiple groups to speed up your processes and bulk manage tasks quickly. Use your stick reader to scan animals into a group directly via the app or scan groups of new or existing animals and then import them into the app to create the groups of your choice.

This guide will take you through all the group actions available in the app.

How to create a Sheep or Cattle management group using filters:

Step 1. Go to your sheep or cattle view and tap the action button, the blue circle with the iLivestock logo.

Step 2. From the action menu tap the Add Sheep Group option

Step 3. The Add Group screen will now appear for you to add your group information.

Step 4. When you have added all the info tap Create

Step 5. This will now take you back to the Sheep view. From here, tap the Filter Funnel at the top right of the screen.

Step 6. The filter screen will now appear and you can select from the different filter headings to view the available filters for that heading or tap the show all option to see all the available filters on one screen.

Step 7. Tap the filter you wish to use and add the parameters as required

Step 8. For the Age Range in Months filter, put the lowest to highest months in age you need.

Step 9. Once the parameters have been added, tap OK to save the filter

Step 10. Use the BACK arrow at the top left of the screen to go back to the filters

Step 11. Use the back arrow again to go back to the filtered list of animals, based on. the filter and the parameters you have added.

Step 12. Now tap the action button in the lower right of the screen.

Step 13. From the Action menu tap the Select All option

Step 14. The filtered animals have now been selected with a green surround, and a small red highlight on the animal icon on the lower navigation will show the number of animals selected.

Step 15. Tap the Action button again to be taken to a menu of actions and select Add To Group

Note: You can also select Add to New Group and create the group at this stage instead of earlier.

Step 16. A list of Groups will appear for you to scroll through and select by pressing OK

Step 17. A confirmation banner will then appear to confirm the action has been completed.

Step 18. Tap the Action button again to select the Select None option from the menu, so you successfully unselect the animals and no more actions are taken.

Step 19. Tap the Filter Funnel to go back to the filters

Step 20. Tap the Clear All Filters to cancel the filters you added earlier and then use the back button to go back to Animals

Step 21. If on sheep or cattle, the filter will show 1 filter, which means it's filtered on a species

Step 19. Go to Groups on the Lower Navigation menu and select the species you made a group for earlier on the Upper Navigation menu.

Your group should now show in the list of groups. Tap the Chevron on the group name to open the group.

Step 20. From the list of animals in the group tap any animal to open the animal summary details, then scroll down to groups, to see the list of groups the animal is in.

How to Delete an Animal from a Group:

Step 1. Find the animal you want to remove from the group and tap to open the animal summary page.

Step 2. Scroll down to the Groups heading on the animal summary page.

Step 3. Swipe the group name left to reveal the red Remove From Group option.

Step 4. Tap the red Remove From Group, to remove this animal from the group

How to Delete a Group:

Step 1. Go to Groups on the lower navigation menu

Step 2. Select the type of group from the upper navigation menu (Sheep, Cattle or Auto)

Step 3. Find the group you wish to delete from the list

Step 4. Swipe the group name left to reveal the red Delete Group option

Step 5. Tap the red Delete Group option to delete the group

Note: You CANNOT undo this action so please be sure you want to delete the group.

How to Merge Groups:

Step 1. Find and tap to highlight the groups you want to merge

Step 2. Once the groups are highlighted, tap the Action button on the lower right-hand side of the screen (blue circle with white arrows)

Step 3. From the menu options, choose whether you want to Merge and Delete the Original Groups OR if you want to just Merge and Keep the Original Groups.

Note that you can always delete the original groups later.

Step 4. A new screen will appear for you to enter the new group name of the merged groups

Step 5. Add in the group name and then tap Merge Groups

Step 6. Your merged group will now appear in your list of groups under the relevant species.

How to move animals from one group to another:

Step 1. Find the group and tap the chevron to open the group you wish to move animals from.

Step 2. Highlight the animals you wish to move by tapping on them and they will highlight green (find them by using the search bar or scan them with a reader while in the group).

Once you have highlighted the animals you want to move, tap the Action button on the bottom right of the screen (blue circle with white arrows)

Step 3. From the Group Action Menu that shows on the next screen, tap the Copy/Move to Group option.

Step 4. Next, on the pop up screen, tap use the picker wheel displayed at the bottom of the screen to scroll and find the group you want to copy or move to.

The selected group will appear on the pop-up screen.

Step 5. You can either Move them, removing them from the group you are currently in and adding them to the group you have selected. Or Copy them, which moves them into the other group and keeps them in the current group.

How to Rename a Group:

Step 1. Find and tap to highlight the group you want to rename and then tap the Action button

Step 2. The Rename Group pop-up will now appear.

Step 3. Type in the new name you want to apply to the group and then tap RENAME once you are happy.

Group Update Settings

When your animals have been allocated to a group, its easy to bulk update the group animal details using the 'Settings on ALL group animals' feature.

This action can be done on any group, Auto groups, Sheep groups, Cattle groups or even your permanent groups if required.

Note: This is really only useful if all the animals in the group will need to be updated with same information - such as the same Breed or Gender.

How to Bulk Update Animal Details on a Group:

Step 1: Find and open the group and then tap the Action button to open the Group Action menu

Step 2: Select Settings on all group animals

Step 3: Now select Set group ON Holding to allocate the group to the relevant holding.

Note: If you want to record a Move On, it best to set them on the Third Party holding that you purchased them from. If just adding animals that are already on farm, simply select the relevant Your Holding

Step 4: If adding directly to your own holding, select the relevant holding under My Holdings

Step 5: Your animals will now be allocated to the holding you have selected. You can open each animal and verify the location by checking the holding details at the bottom of each animal summary.

Step 4: If adding to a third party holding, select the relevant holding under Third Party

Step 5: Your animals will now be allocated to the holding you have selected.

Note: As this is a Third Party, your animals will be greyed out (meaning they are OFF farm)You can open each animal and verify the location by checking the holding details at the end of each animal summary.

To update the rest of your animal details, repeat the steps 1 & 2 and then choose from the relevant Group Settings to add

  • Breed,

  • Gender

  • DOB

  • Management

  • Castrated

  • Country of Origin

  • Holding (Farm)

  • Identification Date (Date on Farm)

  • Weaning Date

  • Process Alert

  • Flag Colour

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