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How to log Off and On movements in the app and keep your flock book movements up to date for compliance.

Gabbi Duval avatar
Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated over a week ago

Logging movements in the app will create a timeline of activities for your animals and also permanently record them in your herd and flock movements book,

found on the iLivestock web based dashboard.

Log into dashboard using your same user ID and password as the mobile app and book mark it on your computer for frequent use.

Move On

When adding animals that you have purchased in, its first advisable to add the Holding that you purchased them from. Add this to your Holdings under Third Party, so you can use this in your movement process. See Manage Holdings for more details.

Also when moving on, its especially important to make sure the individual or group of animals that you are moving on, have been allocated to the right holding.

If adding manually one by one via the Add Animal feature, you can set them on the holding as you add them.

If you import a group of animals via your stick reader, they should default to your primary holding, if you want to add them as a Move On, you'll want to move them to the Third Party holding to move them on from.

See Adding Animals to see how you can make sure you set all your animals on the right holding before creating a Move.

How to Move On an Individual or a Group of animals:

Step 1: To add the animals onto a holding, simply tap the Holding field at the bottom of the page, when adding animals one by one, you may also be prompted to do this.

Step 2: A list of My Holdings and Third Party holdings will be available to select from or create. This is where you can add your animals to a Third Party holding to move them ON from.

Step 3: Once the holding has been selected you can tap Record to save the details

For more information on adding animals - see our Adding Animals guide

Step 4: Now you can select the animals you wish to Move On by tapping them and a green surround highlight will confirm the selection Or you can select and open a group of animals instead.

Note!: The animal card view at this stage, show the animals as greyed out and each card will say OFF. These animals are currently OFF FARM because they have been added to a third party holding to move on from.

Next, tap the Action button (blue circle with white arrows) in the bottom left hand corner to bring up the actions menu.

Step 5: From the actions menu select Movement

Step 6: From the Move Type menu select On Move

Step 7: From the UK Region menu, select the relevant region you are Moving On from to generate the relevant movement process.

Note!: If you are outside of the UK you can select England

Step 8: The Move On movement screen will now now show the number of animals in the movement at the top, the arrival date and the holding the animals are currently on. Check the number of animals and the date is correct.

Step 9: If you need to back date the move, tap the date and this will generate a calendar for you to change movement date.

Step 10: Now tap the Select Destination Holding blue writing, to add in the destination holding.

Step 11: A list of your Holdings will be shown to select from, tap the relevant holding to select it and it will then be populated into the destination field on the movement screen.

Step 12: Tap the More Details option to add in more information if required

Step 13: If you are happy that everything looks correct, tap the Record button at the bottom of the screen to save the movement and successfully complete your Move On

Step 14: The individual or group of animals will now show as ON and their animal card will no longer be greyed out. When you open each animal you'll see its holding location at the bottom of the animal summary page.

You have now completed a successful Move On!

Move Off

How to Move Off an individual animal or group of animals:

Step 1: Find the animal you wish to move, using the top search bar and typing in the last 4 - 5 digits of the Visual ID or the EID.

Then select the animal you wish to move by tapping it. The animal card will then show a green highlight to confirm it is selected.

Next tap the blue arrow Action button

Step 2: From action menu screen that is generate, select Movement

Step 3: Now select the type of movement you wish to create. In this case we are selecting an Off Move

Step 4: Now select the region the animal is moving from and this will generate the relevant movement process and forms.

Step 5: The movement screen will now appear and the holding that your animal is currently on will show on screen as the current location.

Now check the departure date is correct.

Step 6: You can amend the date by tapping it and selecting the correct date from calendar that will appear.

Step 7: Now add in the destination the animal is moving off too.

Tap the blue Select Destination Holding to bring up a list of your third party holdings.

Select the relevant holding from the list by tapping it.

Note!: If its a new destination that you haven't created, you can tap Create New and this will generate the add holding screen for you to complete.

Step 8: You now also have the option to add in More Details

Permit Number, Haulier, Vehicle, Driver, Person Responsible (for the movement), Reference and Notes.

Step 9: Tap on the blue Plus icons to add in the relevant info

Step 10: For the Haulier and Driver options, you will taken to the contacts on your device.

Step 11: Select the relevant contact/s and this will then be inserted into the movement screen.

Step 12: For the Vehicles and Person Responsible options, these selections will be generated from the Manage Staff and Vehicles section found in Admin, where we ask you to pre-populate this information to be used in movements.

Step 13: Add in the person responsible, so you can keep across your movement responsibilities and this will also populate you movement book for future reference.

Step 14: You'll see your additional info has been populated and you can add a reference and note if required too.

Step 15: IMPORTANT: If the animal is to be sold, and will not be returning to the farm, please move the Sold toggle to ON, this will in turn, move the Archive toggle to ON.

This means this animal will be permanently moved to the archive view on the app (found in Permanent Groups) once the movement is completed.

If this is NOT a sale and you wish to still view the animal within your LIVE animal view (this really is more applicable to farmers that know animals will be returning soon and will need to action an ON movement) keep the Sold toggle to OFF.

Once the movement is complete, this animal will then appear greyed out in your normal animal view and will not be counted towards the number of your on farm animals.

Step 16: If Sold, you can now go to Groups found by tapping Groups on the lower navigation menu and then selecting Permanent from the upper navigation menu at the top of the screen.

Step 17: Tap the Chevron on the Archive group and this will open a list of all archived animals.

Use the search bar to search the last 4 - 5 digits of the visual ID or the EID

Step 18: Tap the chevron on the individual animal card to open it.

You'll see the status of the animal as OFF / SOLD / ARCHIVED.

You'll also see the Off Movement listed under events in the animals event timeline. You can tap the movement event to see the movement in more detail.

How to Move Off a group of animals:

Step 1: To Move Off a group of animals, you'll need to create the group you wish to move first.

Once the group is created, go to Groups on the lower navigation menu and then select the relevant species Sheep or Cattle on the upper navigation menu at the top of the screen. This will then show the list of groups under that species available.

Next tap the chevron on the group card to open it.

Step 2: Now tap the Action button (cows head).

Step 3: Next tap the Actions option to bring up the Group Action menu

Step 4: Select Movement on the Group Action menu

Step 5: Select the type of Movement you wish do. In this instance we are looking at an Off Move.

Step 6: Now select the region the animal is moving from and this will generate the relevant movement process and forms. If you are outside of the UK please select England.

For next steps - see step 5 onwards above in 'How to move off an individual animal':

How to manage a Within Business Move:

Step 1: Select an individual or group of animals (as shown in the steps above) and then tap the action button to bring up the Action Menu.

From the action menu select Movement

Step 2: From the Move Types options, select Within business move.

Step 3: Now select the region the animal is moving from and this will generate the relevant movement process and forms.

Step 4: The Movement screen will now be generated and you can tap the blue text Select Destination Holding to add the relevant holding to Move Off to.

Step 5: This will generate a list of your My Holdings to select the destination from.

Tap the relevant holding from the list to add it to the Off Move.

Step 6: Fill in the More Details options if required and then tap Record to confirm the movement.

Step 7: To view the animals on any of your holdings, go to Admin on the lower navigation menu and select Manage Holdings from the admin options.

Step 8: Select and highlight My Holdings (or if you want to view third party holdings, highlight Third Party. Then tap on the relevant holding to open it.

Step 9: Any animals allocated to the holding will show on the Animals On Holding card at the bottom of the screen. Tap the card to open it.

Step 10: Tap the relevant species at the top of the screen to view a list of the animals allocated to the holding.

How to download a Movement Form:

Step 1: Go to Admin on the lower navigation menu and then select Movements from the admin options.

Step 2: From the list of movements show, tap on the relevant movement card you wish to view and download from.

Step 3: On the open movement card, you'll see the option to Export Form

Tap the Export Form option.

Step 4: This will bring up a selection of available methods to send the PDF Movement Form to you. This is best sent via email in most cases, so select the email option on the screen and send the email to yourself or the relevant recipient.

Step 5: The form will be generated with the relevant info inputted, p[lease check the form is correct before using / sending on.

How to edit a Move:

Step 1: Go to Admin on the lower navigation menu and then select Movements from the admin options.

Step 2: From the list of movements show, tap on the relevant movement card you wish to view.

Step 3: On the open movement card, you'll see the option to Edit.

Tap the Edit option.

Step 4: Editing movements once they have been recorded is limited to editing the date only. Select the departure date by tapping it.

Note!: If your movements have also been processed via an official online movement body such as BCMS or ScotEID, you'll need to make any amendments directly with them via their online portal or phone service.

Step 5: The calendar will then show on the screen

Step 6: Select the date within the calendar you want to change to and then tap Record to save the change.

Deleting a Move

How to delete a movement:

Step 1: Go to your Movements found in Admin and then selecting Movements

Step 2: A list of your movements will be shown, each one represented by a movement card

Step 3: Check the movement and the animals within the movement by tapping and opening it

Step 4: Tap the animals in the movement to see a list of them and then you can open the animals to see the movement clearly listed on its events timeline

Step 5: Now to delete the movement, go back to the Movements and slide the movement you want to delete to the left. This will reveal the option to DELETE on the right hand side. Tap DELETE to permanently delete the movement.

Step 6: A warning pop up notification will now appear - Tap confirm to confirm you want to delete the movement.

Note!: Deleting the movement will reverse it, putting the animals moved ON or Off back where they were originally.

You can only delete a movement if the animals are still on the location they were moved too. A movement where animals have since moved again, will NOT be able to be deleted.

Step 7: When you view the animal summary card, you will see the movement has been deleted and the animal shows on the previous location holding.

Online: Use the chat icon in Admin on the app or bottom right on the web dashboard

Call: 01383 324358

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