Reverse a Death

How to return an animal from dead back to the main animal list. (Undo a Death)

Anne Wellenberg avatar
Written by Anne Wellenberg
Updated over a week ago

Accidentally recorded a death/recorded the wrong animal dead? This is how to reverse it.

How to return an animal from dead back to the main animal list:

When an animal is recorded as 'Dead' it is automatically moved to the 'Archive' folder.

  1. On the bottom navigation bar go 'Groups', then make sure 'Permanent' is selected under the search bar, then go into 'Archive'.

  2. When in the 'Archive' folder, search to find the animal you are looking for, then click the chevron to enter the 'Animal Summary'.

  3. When in the 'Animal Summary' scroll down to 'Events' and find the 'Death' event.

  4. Click on the event, then in the pop up window click 'Delete', it will then ask if you are sure and let you know this action brings the animal back to life and into the main animal list.

  5. Once you have deleted the event, you will then be able to find the animal in the main animal list again.

Here is how to record a Sheep Death, & Cattle Death.

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