Tru-Test XRS2/i or SRS2/i Stick Reader settings:
It is very important to ensure the stick reader is in the correct mode BEFORE pairing it with your device. If you know the stick reader is in the correct format, you can skip to the below and to the pairing sections.
From the main screen select 'Settings'
Then select 'Bluetooth'
Scroll down to 'Advanced' then select (shown below)
Make sure 'Connect Mode' is [Default]. If it is not, select it and change it.
Pairing to iOS device (iPhone/iPad):
Ensure your mobile device Bluetooth is 'on'
Go to 'Equipment Menu', then under 'My EID Readers' click 'Add device'
Tap 'Pair' next to the XRS2/i or SRS2/i, this will open the 'Accessory Picker', then select your 'Tru-Test' Reader!
When you open up iLivestock, the top bar will be blue to confirm you have the stick reader connected successfully, and the reader will now appear under 'My EID Readers'
Pairing on an Android device:
Go to 'Equipment Menu', then under 'My EID Readers' click 'Add device'
Tap 'Pair' next to the XRS2/i or SRS2/i, this will open your phone Bluetooth settings.
Click 'add new device', find the XRS2/SRS2 and tap on it to connect.
When you open up iLivestock, the top bar will be blue to confirm you have the stick reader connected successfully, and the reader will now appear under 'My EID Readers'.
Trouble shooting tips!:
If the stick reader does not connect to the app correctly - please check that the stick reader is NOT paired to your device instead.
To check this please go to the BlueTooth settings on your device, unpair the stick reader from your device - it may ask you if you want to 'Forget' device - confirm yes and the stick reader will then be removed from the list of paired devices in your settings.
Next follow the steps above to pair to the relevant device.
Updating Firmware on your TruTest EID Stick Reader
In order to ensure the best results we advise regularly ensuring you are on latest firmware for your TruTest EID stick readers
Please follow the steps below to update the firmware on your TruTest stick reader:
Step 1. Download the Datalink software on to your PC (select the underlined Datalink PC sotware) to download the software in the link below.
Step 2. Connect your Eziweigh, S3 or XR5000 to the PC with the TruTest Data Link software installed.
Step 3. On the TruTest Data Link site, select Tools > Updates > Check for updates >
Step 4. Follow the promts to download
The following Tru-Test EID Reader products are supported by Data Link:
EID readers: XRS2i, XRS2, SRS2i, SRS2, XRS and SRS stick readers and the XRP2i, XRP2 panel readers.
Online: Use the chat icon in Admin on the app or bottom right on the web dashboard
Email: [email protected]
Call: 01383 324358